Debz eBooks By A Writer Who Cannot Not Write Sun, 16 Feb 2020 03:20:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Debz eBooks 32 32 The Mind of a Breast Cancer Survivor Sun, 16 Feb 2020 03:10:39 +0000 The Mind of a Breast Cancer Survivor Read More »

3D Cover tmoabcs

This book is about my journey through pre-diagnosis of Breast Cancer up to events of the current day.


When did stress first appear in my life? After all, isn’t that what cancer is?  A form of stress that has been building up in your body for who knows how long and eventually those tiny cells breaking tradition and, no longer feeling their way into my world, into my body, but now realising that they could become aggressive and enjoy playing havoc with the tissues surrounding them.

Sometimes in life, challenges come our way when we least expect it, again for reasons unknown right then.  How we deal with that challenge is what makes our character.  The lessons learned along the way can provide inspiration for those following along. 

This Book will be published soon

An Introduction To Home Gardening Wed, 04 Dec 2019 02:00:26 +0000 An Introduction To Home Gardening Read More »


How to Start A Home Garden

Starting small would be my recommendation when you are new to gardening and have that inclination to have a garden.

Who Needs These Books

This is Book 1 of a 25 part series on Home Gardening and all that it entails. We have some interesting chapters that will lead you step by step from the time you first get the idea into your head that you would like to provide your family with your own vegetables and/or flowers to beautify your home.

our Home Gardening team

Jacqueline Ginders Montgomery

Jacqueline Montgomery

Home Gardener

A great example in her own home garden during the years of providing for her family.  


Margaret Carr

Home Gardener

A cheery soul in our Holiday Park Camp who does the gardens both vegetable and flower beds.  


Debbie Nicholson

Home Gardener

Someone who learnt from the examples of her family and who turned her gardening talents into a small home business raising seedlings for the local market.

Starting Out Means Making Meaningful Decisions

Choosing a site would be the next thing. It is important to have your garden exposed to at least six hours of direct sunlight every day.

The best vegetables are grown at home

By growing your own produce, you are avoiding food that has been tampered with by science and surely that would be far healthier for your and your family.

Learn from those who have experience in these things.

Today you can download your very first book in this 25 book series and learn what is required for you to get your very own garden up and running in the next 24 hours. 

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The Story Behind Mal Mon, 02 Dec 2019 00:16:23 +0000 The Story Behind Mal Read More »


Mal is a VW Beetle and the other day I thought about where had his idea originated from and would that be an interesting piece for you to read?



Originally, the idea came from the car itself.

When in my younger years, I saw the movie Herbie, I became infatuated with the car, the way it talked, it’s personality, the storyline, the people involved – the whole drama.

I grew a bit more and on my wedding day, my in-laws loaned my new hubby and me their white VW beetle which looked exactly like Herbie – we drove it for many hundreds of miles enjoying every minute of it and the memories it conjured up with the movie both of us had seen earlier in our lives.

I grew some more and one day I was driving around and there was another shape of Herbie on the road and of course I was instantly smitten.  How could a car affect my emotions so much over such an extended period of time?

I grew some more, and one day my husband said that I could choose the car I wanted this time.  So what did I do?  I looked around and my eyes fell on the sales page of my later to become Mal in a village 20 minutes drive from us.  We went and had a look and he said “Yes!” I could have it!!

“The VW Beetle Is Dead Because They Made It Too Good

After seven decades and three generations, the beloved Volkswagen Beetle is dead.

When they produced my Mal shape, the ideas put forward did not hold any special effects and therefore it was not very much like the original beetle.  The engine came in the front rather in the back – AND was front-wheel drive.  Consequently the luggage storage was now in the back rather than the front – much like an ordinary run-of-the-mill car.  It had a round shape and to some it looked like a foolish bit of a joke.  Fortunately for me, they kept producing them from the onset date of 1997 right up to 2011.

Now there is a new model that came out in 2012 which takes the beetle family into it’s 3rd generation.  Of course there are differences – it’s longer, and comes with a more modern approach to style.

They say it is better than the new beetle which is my Mal.  They say it is fine.  But does fine work with teenagers who need “safe” for their first car?

There’s even talk of it coming in as an electric car.  I have often thought that if I could afford one of those do-overs I would replace Mal’s engine with one that is powered by electric.

Of course, that is only a pipe-dream at the moment.

However, who knows what the future will bring?

I wrote Mal & The Move when we first downsized from our huge home of 5 bedrooms and 3 baths, to our Mobile home which is called Ken. 

It’s all about trundling up the road to a picturesque spot in a holiday park surrounded by native trees and birds and all about the various things that both Ken and Mal passed on the way. 

It is about saying goodbye to our old home and location and saying hello to our new home and location.  It is all about how from here on in, our lifestyle would change dramatically to match our age that keeps going up and will never go down.

Image for the the title of this blog : 

Tom Mato Book 1 Sat, 23 Nov 2019 08:21:39 +0000 Tom Mato Book 1 Read More »


The other day I sent out a children’s book for reviews to be included in my new book publication and I got such a
great little request from a five-year-old customer.
  He was very interested in a follow up book to the one his mother had just read him. 

Well, my heart just melted and at the time I was looking at a Tomato on my kitchen bench and the thought rushed through my mind to start this little five book series on Tom Mato.

When I read books (I can assure you I read many, many books as often as I can) I often wonder what would have been the inspiration for the words I read from others. 

I know in my Mal’s Adventure Series, I was very taken with the shape of the Volkswagen Beetle and my father mentioning to me that it appeared to have eyes in the front as well as the back.  Plus, I am a great fan of Herbie which was a very popular movie in my younger days about the real-life feelings of my Mal’s predecessor the Volkswagon itself.

I have thought over many days about Tom Mato and all the things I could teach young children about how important the fruit, the tomato is in our lives and most importantly in our tummies.

Let’s hope you and your children enjoy what I have started today and put together to become an educational trip along the life-span of a tomat

Some pictures in our book

Tomatoes keep best unwashed at room temperature and out of direct sunlight. It is not recommended to refrigerate them as this can harm the flavor. Tomatoes stored cold tend to lose their flavor permanently

"Tomatoes are a fruit that is also considered a vegetable by Nutritionist Experts.

A beautiful book series educating young people on the importance of and the growing of this fruit in our lives.
Debbie nicholson

Tasty to eAT

The tomato is now grown and eaten around the world. It is used in diverse ways, including raw in salads or in slices, stewed, incorporated into a wide variety of dishes, or processed into ketchup or tomato soup.

Sweet And Fleshy, Often Red

There are many varieties of Tomato coming in all colours, sizes and flavours.  Organically grown are the best because then you know that no harmful chemicals have been added to it’s growing stages.

Growing Stages

High Definition time lapse of three tomato plants sprouting and growing. The days listed in the bottom left corner of the screen are days since planting. The text in the bottom right indicates when the plants were watered.

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Image Sources:  PixaBay, KidAha, ClipArt Queen

Tom Mato – Books 1 to 5 Sun, 03 Nov 2019 22:20:38 +0000 Tom Mato – Books 1 to 5 Read More »

The History of the Humble Tomato
The tomato as we know it, can be traced back to about 700 A.D. to the Aztecs in the early days of the Americas.

That very first pizza was originally designed with three basic colours in mind – each of those colours representing the colours of their new Italian flag.
• The Red was symbolised by the tomato.
• The White was symbolised by the mozzarella cheese.
• The green was symbolised by the basil topping

Tom Mato

 A tomato may be a fruit, but it is a singular fruit. A savory fruit. A fruit that has ambitions far beyond the ambitions of other fruits. E. Lockhart.

Mal & The Ice Cream Princess Thu, 31 Oct 2019 05:30:19 +0000 Mal & The Ice Cream Princess Read More »

During the year Mal ventured overseas to Tonga, to Nuku’alofa to be exact in order to visit the Temple there and to explore the immediate countryside.

While there, Mal used to the time to get to know some of the people in the community and he came across a very interesting place that took My Lady back to the time when she was abroad on a scholarship while attending High School – and she and her friends’ favourite hang-out was the local IceCream Parlour.

 I love dessert. All kinds. But there’s something about ice cream that makes me happy. I am drawn to its simplicity. I am perplexed by the endless supply of constantly growing flavor options. And I am always in the mood for sprinkles and a sugar cone.Rachel Nichols.


This Book will be published very shortly

My 50 Conure Tips Mon, 28 Oct 2019 18:16:10 +0000 My 50 Conure Tips Read More »


I would like to dedicate this book to my friend Glenn Byers, someone I met on the Internet many years ago by accident really, and who has helped ever since with websites, SEO, guidance for many things and just being a great friend.

 They come in an assortment of colours which usually match their personalities. They are small to medium-sized parrots that belong to a group of long-tailed parrot subfamily.

Conures are spirited, energetic, amusing and entertaining pets to own.  It is for this reason that these loving, brave and stunning birds make them such incredible pets.  

This Book will be published very shortly

Daily Inspirations With Debbie Nicholson Mon, 28 Oct 2019 16:46:36 +0000 Daily Inspirations With Debbie Nicholson Read More »


I have always loved books like these, and I often scour Twitter and Facebook for motivational phrases and images to help boost my own library of them.  I think that people like to feel inspired by others as they go along in life. 

I have boxes stored with stuff – stuff that I have learned over the years from various mentors.  Stuff that to me is invaluable because of the wisdom and knowledge that has been ingrained in me from what my mentors were teaching at the time. 

 Sometimes in life, we have to learn the hard way and that was my own personal experience.  But see where it pushed me to – to my own heights of my own doing.

This Book will be published very shortly

My 50 Gardening Tips Mon, 28 Oct 2019 02:34:07 +0000 My 50 Gardening Tips Read More »


50 THINGS You Need To Know About GARDENING

I would like to dedicate this book to my wonderful mother-in-law Jacqueline Montgomery who had the ultimate garden.  From here on in, I will refer to her as Mum throughout my book because that is who she was and still is to me.
Leading up to meeting her and having her in my life, there were many influences to help me realise how important a garden is. 

In this book you will see many tips that Mum showed me when I was privileged to live near her. The results of her efforts were magnificent not to mention very tasty.

This Book will be published very shortly

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What Are The Advantages Of Teaching Your Children At Home? Tue, 22 Oct 2019 00:15:15 +0000 What Are The Advantages Of Teaching Your Children At Home? Read More »


Have you ever thought of the great influence you could have over the future of your children were you to contemplate educating them inside your home? 

The beauty of teaching children at home means that the children need not be with the same teacher every day.  Sometimes you could bring Dad in if he can manage time off work or perhaps even grandparents or any other relatives who perhaps are visiting the area for the day.  

 You have full control over such things and therefore your child can be educated exactly in the way you would have them be without strange notions being forced into their minds as to what is the right way or the wrong way.


This Book will be published very shortly
